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David N Robinson Website 2.jpg
DAVID is happy to be contacted and is willing to give talks about his writing to interested groups, book clubs and other such events.

CONTACT DAVID by email at

All the images below are in high resolution. The image rights belong to the author. The book jackets may only be used as long as the image is not cropped.

KINDLE Rough Injustice.jpg
KINDLE The Stand-In 2.jpeg
KINDLE The Markov Encryption 17 May 2018
KINDLE The Dossier 23 May 2019.jpg
KINDLE The Gambit.jpg
KINDLE Powder Day 20 May 2019.jpeg
FRENCH KINDLE Powder Day 20 May 2019.jpg
KINDLE The Reluctant Trader 7 June 2018.
Morpheus Newtork.jpg
RG 233.jpg
RG 231.jpg
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